…For Unto Us An Aragorn.

Don’t follow the lights.

This sentence, uttered by Gollum to the main character Frodo in the epic classic The Lord of the Rings, is actually good and correct advice. By following the fires lit near the remains of long-dead soldiers on a cursed battlefield, Frodo would fall into the marsh and be lost to the living. 

I think it’s strange how we’re raised from a young age to know what is innately good and bad. Our culture is full of right and wrong, good versus evil metaphor. Light = Good. Dark = Bad. Monsters come out at night. Heaven is portrayed as a cloud of golden light. Luke Skywalker’s white wrappings vs. Darth Vader’s ominous black suit.

Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader 

Yet, for all we learn as children, nothing is as uncomplicated once we’re older and more cynical. Suddenly, the obvious choice has underlying consequences that can be unfortunate, possibly tragic. 

How am I supposed to know what’s right? Do what my heart tells me? Follow the yellow brick road? Keep calm, carry on? 

I think I’ll stick to my Tolkien advice.

Always follow your nose. –Gandalf

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