Greatness in the Gulf

What kind of person will you be when you die?

I had a discussion today with my wife about a book she recently completed called “How Good Is Good Enough?” It delves into the belief of heaven and the structure laid out in the Bible and Christian faith concerning eternal salvation, Christ’s sacrifice, and belief versus action fears. In the end, I arrived at the same question I’ve been asking myself for several years: What kind of person will I be when I die? The answer isn’t as clear as I wish.

I will always strive to do the right thing, what I believe is the right thing, for others, no matter what. My goal is to become one hundred percent selfless. It’s super hard. I don’t think it’s possible.

I’m already failing with the humility thing (case in point) but it’s never too late to up my truth and love game.

So the answer to my question is sort of simple: I want to be able to die for anyone, live for everyone, and hurt no one. I want to be a one hundred percent selfless man.

Find your goal. Work towards it. Make it your own.

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