The Good, the Bad, and the Petty


Come on, really. Wake up and take a good look at yourself.

Look at your friendships. Look at your relationships. And then look at the people you’re ignoring, or avoiding, or quitting on. Look at the people who “aren’t your friends”, or the people who “you don’t get”, or the people who “annoy you”.

And then, look back and count how many times it’s about “you”. Too many.

Why is it that, unless your little group of friends is there, you don’t want to go? Why is it that, when you’re with your group, you’ll ignore everything and everyone else, unless your friends are ignoring you, in which case you get mad at them?

Notice when you’re having a difficult time with a “friend”, that you’ll get exasperated and give up real easily? Notice how, when the other person gets “too needy”, you drop them like a hot stone? Notice how, when you need to fix something you’ve done wrong, or a tear in the relationship through neglect, that you’d rather run away and let it decay?

Remember how “that guy” made you look bad, and so you went behind his back to all your friends and dissed him until his worth was less than crap? Remember how you gossiped about “the incident” to everyone you know the second after it happened, until there was no one left to tell the story to? Remember how you got that personal phone call meant only for you, but the info was too juicy to keep to yourself? Remember how you backstabbed someone for kicks, and then laughed it off when they asked you, “Why”?

Since when did we get so shallow? Since when did we conform to the world’s “All About Me” relationships? Since when are relationships something we fool around with? Since when did our respect for friendships fall below our own personal comfort level? Since when do we sacrifice love for “acceptance”?

If you feel offended, maybe it’s because you’re being spoken to directly. And if you’re nodding and smiling and agreeing wholeheartedly, maybe you need to stop, and re-examine your own relationships, and then scroll back to the top.

I wanted to write this, because from now on, I have to live by my own words. And the next time I’m around anyone who’s speaking negatively about someone I know, or gossiping behind their back- directly or indirectly- I’m not going to be quiet. You’re gonna hear it from me.

Just thought I’d let you know.

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