Offering it up to Him.
That’s what I’m stuck doing for now. Constantly bringing this idol I have made most important, and burning it on an altar…watching it burn.
And there’s nothing to say to it, or to myself, other than “I must let it go.” And go it does, leaving my heart, my head, with no remainder, other than the comforting, overwhelming sense of peace that only the Lord can bring.
Where shall I go, that troubles are no more? And where will I travel, that He cannot find me? He is faithful, and He saves the weak. His arms are wide, and we welcomes many. He chases fear from its cold dark lair, and depression leaves in a hurry when He is near.
Hymns are all well and good, but I’ll never break the habit of making idols more important than my God. How then, do I overcome this?
I constantly…unceasingly…forever sacrifice the thing I took for myself. I give it back to Him. It is His, I have no business taking it for myself.
How long will it be, until I catch that elusive glimpse of Your robe as it passes me? When I stand in the glow of Your glory, and you blind me in Your majesty? When I fall at Your feet, crying, “Mercy! Have mercy on me! For I am lost. I am broken. I am weak. I am nothing. And You are Everything!”
You are Everything.
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