A Question I Have

I have a question. It doesn’t have a short answer. It might not even have an answer. But I’m going to ask it, because its important. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for weeks, and I still don’t know how to even breach barrier separating the facts from the answer. Here it is:

If we want people to accept Christ into their lives, and know him as their Savior, and join the Christian Church community, how will they ever accept a religion that doesn’t even have any set belief apart from “Jesus Christ is real and lived on earth once”?

Isn’t it true? Christianity can’t be just Christianity. Is has to be some sect of the original religion. First there’s the Catholics, and NO ONE who wants to be a part of a spiritually-freeing religion wants to be Catholic. So then there’s the Protestant section of Christianity…which isn’t just Protestant anymore, because it’s been split up into hundreds of sects, denominations, cults, or whatever you want to call them. Each one believes something else, and they’re all fighting because they think they’re right. We fight about church leaders, baptism, infant conversion, youth groups, prophets, speaking in tongues, and everything else an individual isn’t comfortable with. This one believes that sprinkling is more righteous than dunking…that one believes that the Trinity isn’t real…who doesn’t believe in communion, who doesn’t believe in works over faith…it’s kinda sad, really.

So ultimately, there’s only one think I ask you to do as a Christian: Step outside your deep theology for a second, and imagine a secular “unbeliever” standing at the doorway to Christianity. Honestly, it isn’t very Christ-like at all. They are immediately confronted by numerous sects, each claiming they are right, arguing amongst themselves, and hoping that Islam doesn’t gain any more popularity. God, Christ, and heaven stand forgotten, lost amid the ceaseless bickering. And we wonder why no one likes Christians. We complain when they lock us out of the schools, the government, science, and everything else. Who wants to involve a religion that can’t get its own story straight?

I think we have a lot to fix before we can start complaining about our rights. For instance…why don’t we start focusing all out attention on God and less on the guy dancing in worship one seat over. You have to admit it’s not as distracting as you want it to be.

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