The Amalgamation Proclaimation

I keep coming to these conclusions during my digital media classes, which is good, I guess, since it proves the amount of money I’ve been coughing up miraculously every year is actually generating something (small) in the present. Repercussions that occur three decades down the road are never fun to wait for after all that unhealthy hacking. Anyways…

I’ve decided that the media I want to use (try, dabble in, achieve, work professionally in, etc.) is that of a mixed kind.

For instance, I’ve always had an affinity for mixing breakfast cereals. I think I got the idea from my grandfather, who would purchase cereal, take it home, deliberately mix it up, and then place the mixes in giant glass jars. And since that mental cereal-grounding, I’ve performed the same mixing ritual every morning since. So naturally, I would enjoy the sensation of mixed media types in my entertainment as well.

Note: This does not apply to ALL parts of my life. There are some things that should stay singular. Like women….ESPECIALLY women.

But the amalgamation of certain media types (not all, of course…they must be chosen with discretion and experience) is definitely desirable. For instance: A website can be a website, with pictures, and buttons, and links, and text; OR, it could be a fully interactive site, complete with video animations, sound effects, decision branches, walkthroughs, captions, and 30 times as much information as the text-based sites of today. Attention-holding (captivating, actually), and entertaining is where the future rests. And, would you believe it? I’m learning everything I need to in order to make that happen!

So I’m extremely excited about my current state of mind, hazy as it sounds. All these ideas, and no way to make it happen yet.

Oh well. I can keep waiting, I guess.

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