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This was sung at a Catholic mass yesterday. One of the musical pieces during communion.
belief, catholic, Catholicism, christ, christian, christianity, church, god, jesus, love, membership, money, priest -
A Return to Faith
How often have I been completely involved in something- an art project, a business idea, a job duty – and just dropped it halfway through, from lack of motivation or loss of interest or whatever, and walked away? How many times? How many people have I let down because of this fault?
Be Mine…or Be Thine
…Yeah, that was the induction of very Old English into my post’s title, and yes, it was only for cute rhyming reasons.
Aspects of the Modern Church
After being out of regular attendance at a Sunday church group- and basically out of fellowship with any church group whatsoever (and you can tell me if the two should be related)- for over a year, I’ve had plenty to think about when it comes to the Christian church today.
Brokenness, Brokenness, Is What I Long For…
Brokenness is what I need. Brokenness, brokenness is what you want from me. So take my heart, and form it. Take my mind, transform it. Take my will, conform it to Yours, to Yours, oh Lord.
What happened to Christ?
In all the craziness that has enveloped my life recently, in Covenant and everywhere else, I’ve had a question pop into my head every so often; usually when I’m not expecting it. It runs something like this: “Where is Christ?” It’s then followed by another distraction.