Love Is…
….um…well, what is it? What is Love? Despite the failures of all its off-brand competitors, cheap rip-offs, and misleading salesmen, Love is actually worth more than we are. It’s something we’ll never fully understand, and therefore, should never purposefully say its name without a hushed, precious reverence to the tone. The concept is jarring. The…
Amazing God
Okay. My head is still spinning.
What’s in a Kiss?
Okay. I’m going to talk about the kiss.
Be Mine…or Be Thine
…Yeah, that was the induction of very Old English into my post’s title, and yes, it was only for cute rhyming reasons.
No, seriously…forget about it. Drop the memory. Lose the thought. Let your mind wander. Let your freedom soar. It’s gone far away, and if you chase it, only disappointment will follow.