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save Archives - Of Psychology and Psychosomatics Wed, 19 Apr 2023 02:48:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 save Archives - Of Psychology and Psychosomatics 32 32 45228149 Final Desecration Sun, 13 Jul 2008 13:49:47 +0000 Sin’s most-feared beast of wrath Caught you in your sleep And hurled you through your guilt While you dreamt in darkness sweet. As it reared its head And subjugated you To its never-ending Hypocritic ridicule – And watched as you spiraled out Into spatial nothingness: You raised your hands in agony, Cried out for saving […]

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Sin’s most-feared beast of wrath
Caught you in your sleep
And hurled you through your guilt
While you dreamt in darkness sweet.

As it reared its head
And subjugated you
To its never-ending
Hypocritic ridicule –

And watched as you spiraled out
Into spatial nothingness:
You raised your hands in agony,
Cried out for saving Grace.

A hand caught you
And broke your fall
That deadly self-pity
Beyond self-helping all

You would not accept His grip
As He held you in His Love and Faith
So He set you back upon your feet
And watched you turn and walk away.

He followed after
Walked beside
You would not stop
And allow His aid;

So He let you try to walk yourself
In your focused stupidity
To see you fall again and again
Spelled of pride and morbid naivety.

The demon returned
To haunt your dreams
And kick you back
To your former graves.

And God watched as you went on
Down that wide, well-travelled path
With a demon on your back, and one at your feet
Tripping you all the way to hellish wrath.

Love turns to wrath
But not until the end;
You can still redeem
What you purposely forgot.

The post Final Desecration appeared first on Of Psychology and Psychosomatics.

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God, save us from ourselves Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:43:05 +0000 “We are our own worst enemy.” – one of the United States Founding Fathers…maybe Ben Franklin. I don’t know who said that, but whoever did was absolutely right. There’s no better way to destroy a country, a people, a group, a CHURCH…but from the inside; from the least likely place imaginable. God help us all.

The post God, save us from ourselves appeared first on Of Psychology and Psychosomatics.

“We are our own worst enemy.” – one of the United States Founding Fathers…maybe Ben Franklin.

I don’t know who said that, but whoever did was absolutely right. There’s no better way to destroy a country, a people, a group, a CHURCH…but from the inside; from the least likely place imaginable. God help us all.

The post God, save us from ourselves appeared first on Of Psychology and Psychosomatics.

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