Never Far Enough
Sound is slowed, and suffocatedRoar of engines disappearChilled by thin air confiscatedDoor opens, heart drops, fear.
The Tale of Griffith McCarthy | Chapter 3
Griffith stood on the back of the bench the rest of the day and most of the night, thinking hard about his life in the park. He knew that his disability was not natural for a bird, and his instinct to fly was suffocated by his time on the ground.
The Tale of Griffith McCarthy | Chapter 2
Oswald was a black squirrel from Hartford, with clever eyes and a constantly twitching nose. He was incredibly agile, able to leap over 10 feet between branches and across dark chasms in the night.
Importance – Part 3
Colgate’s overall strategy was simple: Reduce product output, eliminate unnecessary research and production divisions, narrow focus to gum and toothbrush sanitation. Thomas was tasked with overseeing natural enamel cleansing research and development, and besides feeling completely out of his depth, he was elated that his company and the people in charge were willing to give…